Boards and committees


Executive Committee

The Executive Board meets fortnightly and manages the operational aspects of the Centre. This includes the development and implementation of the Centre’s policies, oversight of financial matters, research training and professional education of members, partnerships, national and international liaison, commercialisation, communications and outreach.

Prof. Paul Mulvaney

Prof. Paul Mulvaney

Centre Director

University of Melbourne

Assoc. Prof. Girish Lakhwani

Dr. Alison Funston

Deputy Director

Monash University

Prof. Salvy Russo

Prof. Salvy Russo

Deputy Director

RMIT University

Prof. Dane McCamey

Prof. Dane McCamey

Deputy Director

UNSW Sydney

Assoc. Prof. Girish Lakhwani

Assoc. Prof. Girish Lakhwani

Deputy Director

University of Sydney

Ms Kate McGeoch

Ms Kate McGeoch

Chief Operating Officer

University of Melbourne

Science Committee

The Science Committee (SC) is tasked with managing the scientific direction of the Centre, including performing annual reviews of each of the research platforms and managing the Exciton Science Research Fund. The purpose of the fund is to increase cross-node collaboration to support new projects, which will instrumentally develop and further the research objectives of the Centre. The SC is comprised of the eight Research Platform Leaders. This committee reports regularly to the Executive Committee on the progress of the Centre’s scientific goals and achievements.

Read their 2021 report here

Prof. Timothy Schmidt

Prof. Timothy Schmidt

Platform Leader - Platform 1.1
Excitonic Light Management

UNSW Sydney

Prof. Jacek Jasieniak

Prof. Jacek Jasieniak

Platform Leader - Platform 1.2
Solution-Processed Next Generation Photovoltaics

Monash University

Prof. Dane McCamey

Prof. Dane McCamey

Platform Leader -
Platform 2.1 Control of Excitons

UNSW Sydney

Dr Alison M. Funston

Dr Alison M. Funston

Platform Leader -
Platform 2.2 Excitons at Interfaces

Monash University

Prof. Jared Cole

Prof. Jared Cole

Platform Leader -
Platform 2.3 Multiscale Models of Exciton Transport

RMIT University

Dr Wenping Yin

Dr Wenping Yin Left Centre in 2021

Platform Leader -
Platform 3.1 Excitonic Sensors

Monash University

Dr Wallace Wong

Dr Wallace Wong Resumed position in 2021

Platform Leader -
Platform 3.1 Excitonic Sensors

University of Melbourne

Dr Timothy James

Dr Timothy James

Platform Leader -
Platform 3.2 Novel Security Features

Reserve Bank of Australia

Assoc. Prof. Girish Lakhwani

Assoc. Prof. Girish Lakhwani

Platform Leader -
Platform 3.3 Light Emitting Devices

University of Sydney

Centre Advisory Board

The Centre Advisory Board (CAB) meets bi-annually and provides operational and governance advice, as well as counselling on personnel and budgetary changes. The CAB has been invaluable over the last four years in providing key advice on how to handle the operational staff changes and to raise the profile of the Centre.

Prof. Mark Considine

Prof. Mark Considine Resigned as Chair in 2021


University of Melbourne

Dr Gerry Wilson

Dr Gerry Wilson Appointed as Chair in 2021

Former CSIRO Research Director, Industrial Innovation


Ms Tanya Ha

Ms Tanya Ha

Director of Engagement

Science in Public

Prof. Elsa Reichmanis

Prof. Elsa Reichmanis

Anderson Endowed Chair in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Lehigh University, USA

Prof. Marc Parlange

Prof. Marc Parlange Resigned in 2021

Provost and Senior Vice-President

Monash University

Prof Moira O’Bryane

Prof Moira O’Bryan Appointed in 2021

Dean of the Faculty of Science

University of Melbourne

Dr Scott Watkins

Dr Scott Watkins

Chief Marketing Officer

Kyung-in Synthetic Corporation

Prof. Paul Mulvaney

Prof. Paul Mulvaney

Centre Director

University of Melbourne

International Science Advisory Committee

The International Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC) provides scientific oversight and advice to the Centre and undertakes an annual survey of the Centre’s research and direction to bring to light any changes and discoveries internationally that the Centre should be aware of. The ISAC is composed of world-leading academics providing broad advice on the success and viability of the Centre’s research platforms. The Centre refreshes the ISAC membership on a two-yearly basis to ensure fresh and innovative thinking and advice from world leaders in solar cell research and renewable energy generation.

Prof. Elsa Reichmanis

Prof. Elsa Reichmanis

Anderson Endowed Chair in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Lehigh University, USA

Prof. Marc Baldo

Prof. Marc Baldo

Director for the Center of Excitonics, Professor of Electrical Engineering

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Prof. Jenny Nelson

Prof. Jenny Nelson

Professor of Physics

Imperial College London, UK

Prof Jochen Feldmann

Prof Jochen Feldmann

Professor of Physics & Nanosystems Initiative München (NIM)

Ludwig Maximilians Universität

Equity Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Exciton Science is committed to creating an inclusive and respectful workplace, where people from all backgrounds and identities can thrive and reach their full potential.

The Centre has established a consultative Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC), which has created a comprehensive Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and a Code of Conduct.

The Committee has developed supporting mechanisms to ensure the Centre achieves and promotes the mental and physical wellbeing of all members.

In 2021 the Centre rotated the Committee to hear from more voices on the issues that affect our members.

Read their 2021 report here

Dr. Alison M. Funston

Dr. Alison M. Funston Co-Chair

Monash University

Trevor Smith

Trevor Smith Incoming Co-Chair

University of Melbourne

Dingchen Wen

Dingchen Wen

University of Melbourne

Francesco Campaioli

Francesco Campaioli

RMIT University

Joshua Ezackial

Joshua Ezackial Incoming

University of Melbourne

Samantha Zaman

Samantha Zaman Incoming

University of Melbourne

Lara Gillan

Lara Gillan Incoming

UNSW Sydney

Mohammad Rashedul Hasan

Mohammad Rashedul Hasan Incoming

University of Sydney

Johanna Monk

Johanna Monk outgoing

University of Melbourne

Laszlo Frazer

Laszlo Frazer outgoing

Monash University

Eliza Rokhsat

Eliza Rokhsat outgoing

University of Melbourne

Sri Matta

Sri Matta outgoing

RMIT University

Rugang Geng

Rugang Geng outgoing

UNSW Sydney

Alison Campbell

Alison Campbell outgoing

University of Sydney

Early Career Research Committee

The Early Career Researcher Committee (ECRC) enables our postdoctoral research fellows to have direct input into the Centre. The Committee is tasked with nominating and organising training and professional development events, social events and providing input into Centre-wide policy development.

In 2021 the ECRC rotated its membership to hear from new voices throughout the ECR cohort.

Read their 2021 report here

New Committee

Shyamal Prasad

Shyamal Prasad

UNSW Sydney

Claire Dawson

Claire Dawson

University of Melbourne

Previous Committee

Kevin Rietwyk

Kevin Rietwyk

Monash University

Amir Asadpoor-Darvishk

Amir Asadpoor-Darvish

University of Sydney

 Wenping Yin

Wenping Yin

Monash University

 Wenping Yin

Siobhan Bradley

University of Melbourne

Nicholas Kirkwood

Nicholas Kirkwood

University of Melbourne

Mykhailo Klymenko

Mykhailo Klymenko

RMIT University

Postgraduate Student Committee

The Postgraduate Student Committee enables our graduate and undergraduate students to have direct input into the Centre. The Committee is tasked with nominating and organising training and professional development events, social events and providing input into Centre-wide policy development.

Read their 2021 report here

Ben Tadgell

Ben Tadgell Chair

University of Melbourne

Tim Warner

Tim Warner

RMIT University

Eliza Rokhsat

Eliza Rokhsat

University of Melbourne

Heyou Zhang

Heyou Zhang

University of Melbourne

Yun Lig

Yun Li

University of Sydney

Anjay Manian

Anjay Manian

RMIT University

Lara Gillan

Lara Gillan

UNSW Sydney

Monika Michalska

Monika Michalska

Monash University