Membership survey

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

2020 – 2021 Membership survey

In March 2021, Exciton Science received the results of our 2020 Membership Survey from partner organisation Leaderskill.

The survey is an important mechanism for members to provide comprehensive, confidential feedback about their experience of working and studying within the Centre.

It helps to guide the Executive Committee, Equity Diversity and Inclusion Committee, and operations staff in decision making, resource allocation, and the development and implementation of new policies and procedures.

Amid a year-on-year increase in engagement from 2019, the report highlighted several areas of positive improvement through the Centre.

  • Overall, members expressed the belief that Exciton Science is an inclusive and respectful working environment that is flexible and friendly and where their contributions are valued;
  • Members agreed they are collaborating with each other and communicating effectively within the Centre;
  • Members agreed they have the opportunity to develop new skills and visit and learn from other institutions;
  • Members are engaged with the Centre’s newsletter and updates.

The overall experience of members of Exciton Science was very positive: 95% rated this as ‘Good’ or ‘Excellent’. In fact, 100% of members rated their experience as either Excellent (54%), Good (41%) or Average (5%).

This is a strong statement of the level of engagement of members so far – even where areas have been highlighted for improvement, members enjoy being part of the Centre.

Acting on the recommendations and feedback of members, in 2021 the Centre:

  • introduced an external newsletter for stakeholders and the general public, accessible via a subscribe button on the website;
  • made recommendations to the Executive Committee/Centre leaders regarding the integration and promotion of EDI activities into internal communications and events;
  • increased support for ad hoc and structured professional development;
  • increased the frequency of updates from Research Platform Leaders;
  • launched the second edition of our Centre-wide mentoring program.

Working again with Leaderskill, Exciton Science distributed its latest member survey in late 2021, with the results due to be released, and subsequent positive action implemented, in the first two quarters of 2022.

The Survey's Key Results

Members rated their experience as good or excellent


Members are aware of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Agreed or strongly agreed that the Centre is respectful, flexible and inclusive

Aware of the Centre’s values

Aware of the Centre’s sustainability commitment

Agreed that communication is positive, open and honest

Agreed that they have opportunities to develop their skills and learn from others

Performance over time, 2019–2021

The survey completion rate increased by 4% year on year, with 57 respondents completing feedback in 2021.

Favourable responses (agree or strongly agree) to questions about the Centre’s communication and collaboration increased year on year from 2019 to 2020 and 2020 to 2021, reaching 84% in the most recent survey.

Favourable responses to questions about the Centre’s communication channels also increased year on year across the last three surveys, climbing from just over 50% in 2019 to 71% in 2021.

Having improved from 2019 to 2020, favourable responses to questions about Professional Development and Training and Culture, Diversity and Inclusion remain steady at 75% and 89% respectively.

In 2021, 94% of members rated their experience as ‘excellent’ or ‘good’, a variance of just one percent over three years.

Agreement that the Leadership Teams communicate a shared vision, purpose and direction for the Centre increased from 75% in 2019 to 90% in 2021.

Respondents who agreed that communication and collaboration are easy and straightforward within their node increased from 74% in 2019 to 93% in 2021.

Member feedback

"The comms team has made a huge difference from my perspective. They are doing a great job.”

Survey respondent

"Big network to draw on. Found mentoring program very beneficial.”

Survey respondent

"Our communication team is excellent, the weekly seminars and the workshops allowed me to keep up with the centre's progress, research themes and initiatives.”

Survey respondent

"Top level ideas that are well communicated to the nodes and good support for cross-node collaboration.”

Survey respondent

"Exciton Science provides a wide range of seminars, mentorship programs, workshops/training etc., which is very useful for the PhD students.”

Survey respondent

"I love the centre’s vision and find it highly motivating, it's great to be part of a centre that cares about the big picture.”

Survey respondent

"I think the centre has done a good job in offering lots of professional development which creates a culture where PD is valued and encouraged.”

Survey respondent